Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Brief Understanding of Writing

I apologize for posting reaction late since I was so overwhelmed with my Lighting Studio and Photoshop class assignments...

It is interested to read the book as a comic instead of a bunch of pages of words. In this way, the book keeps readers attention of whats going on especially for students who do not like to read. 

There is a few things that I learned through the introduction where they did not go in depth yet. First of all, xxxxxx says All writing is influenced by what you know about an audiences expectation.. I found this to be truth when you are writing for a specific audience, you will write in a particularly way. For example, an request of a recommendation letter will be asked politely to a instructor; an analysis of a shooting assignment will be wrote neatly and detailed as a final draft and all the blogs we  posted are supposed to contain specific information we learned from the articles. Pretending me myself as my targeted audience and, writing in the way that the audience would expect could help the writer to start the first step. In the other words, write to persuasive yourself first. 
As Zander Cannon, one of the illustrators of this book, says that he likes to let his thoughts wander before he starts the project. I am a hundred percent agree with him because every time I am assigned with a paper or an essay, I write so carefully and I just worried about those little mistakes all the time. I did no go boldly through writing process which makes me stressed a lot when writing for real. Actually, writing is really fun when you know your targeted readers and you express yourself freely through writing. 
I really appreciate that there is people in the world who would like to help students to have fun in writing rather than training them to write.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trying To Make A Friend

To whoever is reading this,    This is Yixuan Liu, a girl who flew all the way from China by herself to pursue her dream of being a photographer. I found myself enjoying the time playing with a camera in the Seventh Grade. Ever since that, I always want to take pictures to record all the wonderful moments in my life. Being a third semester student at Brooks, I feel lucky and blessed to learn all the knowledge of Photography which are taught by a group of experienced teachers. Attending at Brooks totally changes my way of seeing. My eyes are being trained to see things in different ways than normal people and I like it. Anyway, studying Photography in a photography school with a second language is a challenge for me, I am enjoying it. What do I do other than taking pictures? Sports! I like ice skating, swimming, yoga and walking. I always want to do sky diving(dying), jet skiing and scuba diving but never got the chances. Hopefully, I could do all of them with my friends before the graduation. I like adventures. However, I believe Lighting Studio, Lighting People and whatever classes I will take in the future, they will limit my time in having fun. Then, make time to have fun! Get things done ahead of the due dates, being carefully in doing the post production, as well as treat my colleges respectfully.
   Feeling like talking about the future based on my feeling of now. I am not really sure should I go back to China to develop my career or not. But I would like to practically train myself through internships and assistance. I want my pictures to be seen beyond technical and creative. I want my pictures to tell stories and to make people ask questions. I want my pictures to be sold around 35 dollars so that people could afford them if they really appreciate them.      Thanks.