Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Trying To Make A Friend

To whoever is reading this,    This is Yixuan Liu, a girl who flew all the way from China by herself to pursue her dream of being a photographer. I found myself enjoying the time playing with a camera in the Seventh Grade. Ever since that, I always want to take pictures to record all the wonderful moments in my life. Being a third semester student at Brooks, I feel lucky and blessed to learn all the knowledge of Photography which are taught by a group of experienced teachers. Attending at Brooks totally changes my way of seeing. My eyes are being trained to see things in different ways than normal people and I like it. Anyway, studying Photography in a photography school with a second language is a challenge for me, I am enjoying it. What do I do other than taking pictures? Sports! I like ice skating, swimming, yoga and walking. I always want to do sky diving(dying), jet skiing and scuba diving but never got the chances. Hopefully, I could do all of them with my friends before the graduation. I like adventures. However, I believe Lighting Studio, Lighting People and whatever classes I will take in the future, they will limit my time in having fun. Then, make time to have fun! Get things done ahead of the due dates, being carefully in doing the post production, as well as treat my colleges respectfully.
   Feeling like talking about the future based on my feeling of now. I am not really sure should I go back to China to develop my career or not. But I would like to practically train myself through internships and assistance. I want my pictures to be seen beyond technical and creative. I want my pictures to tell stories and to make people ask questions. I want my pictures to be sold around 35 dollars so that people could afford them if they really appreciate them.      Thanks. 


  1. Haha I just loved the title to your blog! I am happy to hear that you are working hard to make your dreams a reality. Many people will say what they want to do in life but not many can actually put a plan in motion to do what they say they will. Oh and you definitely got the right mindset when it comes to LS and LP, just finished those classes myself and I can say it is not for the weak of heart! Don't be a stranger around campus, can't wait to see your work shine!

  2. Haha, I love the tittle too. I understand how you feel about Photography. Anything that makes someone look twice and think for second or feel something for a second is all I want. But, doing your assignments early is definitely a great idea. It'll leave you time to fix mistakes and reshoot if need be or give you time to go sky diving or ice skating.

  3. Yixuan,

    You seem to be super-passionate about photography. That’s a great thing—some people never find out “that thing” that really interests them. I hope you use this course as an opportunity to learn more about the different genres and styles that professional photographers write in.

    Good start, but don’t forget to respond to this week’s readings too.

