Thursday, June 4, 2015

Belief of My World

Things happened for reason. That is what my friend Susanan says all the time. This is what she believes and from now on, I started to notice the influence of these words. There is a reason why my parents support me on the education of photography that they are not even confident if I could make a living with. There is a reason why I am here at Brooks and writing about my own words for myself. 

For now, I am trying to create in a really simple but effect way to express the feeling and emotion through the pictures. And, also to make people ask questions, like “WHY”. Just like Eugene Richards says, world issues are too complex for a single hard-and-fast viewpoint. I only want my pictures to make people feel a certain way because I believe feeling is the very essence of life, art, and photography. 

Saying is way simpler than doing. To expect reaction from people of different culture, viewpoints and belief is hard, but it’s not impossible. I have seen pictures that were stunning and powerful. So I have faith that I could achieve my goal of having feeling and emotion in my pictures in the future.

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