Thursday, June 11, 2015

Draft Email to Olivia Parker

Hi Olivia, There is nothing better than writing to your favorite artist in the world. Hi Olivia, this is Yixuan Liu. I am a photography student at Brooks Institute where has been a photography school since 1945. Studying in the photography program introduces me a way into the field, and my English class provides me this opportunity to write an email to you. Currently, I am learning Lighting Studio, which is a photography core class designed to learn how to use 4x5 large format Mamiya camera to shot tabletop products. During the learning process, I am consequently thinking about how to make a tabletop shooting worthy to shot and share. Stopping by your website, looking at every picture and thinking about the lighting, setting and concept. Your works fascinated me. To me, your pictures are simple but to the point. I appreciate artists who have the ability to pursue their own spirits through art works and everyday life. The very end of your interview questions asked about what do you do in your free time. You answered “what free time” cracked me up. Duh, what free time? Photography is our way of life and that’s what we do all day!
 I honestly like your photography and if I would have the chance to talk with you about art, I would understand more about your works, and your way of life.


Yixuan Liu


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